Manage Geopolitical Risks

While geopolitical risks are often unknown and uncontrollable, the top strategies global organizations use to manage these supply chain risks include increasing the number of countries as sources of supply; increasing the number of suppliers; buffering inventories; and reshoring or nearshoring. These approaches help to minimize the risk of disruptions caused by geopolitical tensions while also enabling faster responses to market demand fluctuations. Members can access Supply Chain Operational and Geopolitical Risks in an Age of “Slowbalization” in the CAPS Library to see the full report.
Join us for our webinar Procurement Metrics: Measure Performance, Justify Headcount, Communicate Value on March 5 at 12 pm ET. This webinar is open to the public and will equip you with the knowledge needed to demonstrate the true value of your procurement efforts using CAPS' Metrics of Supply Management (MoSM). Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of the MoSM and its significance in driving organizational success! Register Here.
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