We redesigned the newsletter to give you more content. Let us know what you think! Plus, supplier diversity & headcount metrics.
E-Auction use is on the rise
46% of companies currently using E-Auctions have increased their use over the last two years due to increased cost savings and process efficiency, market efficiency, reduction in risk, and effectiveness in running what-if scenarios.
SM Organizational Design
Global companies have shifted the organizational structure of their supply management and procurement groups through the years. What's your org's ideal design?
CAPS News - September 2019
We have a host of exciting events coming up, multimedia content, and surveys/data for members and non-members.
Supply management's growing influence
Sourceable spend managed by supply management/procurement groups is experiencing an uptick, giving companies more strategic contracting, greater savings, and increased protection from supplier risk. An average of 87.5 percent of spend is managed, for all companies across sectors. How does your company compare? ...
CAPS News - August 2019
The 2019 Metrics of Supply Management report is out now - it's loaded with KPIs and great practitioner information. Plus, a few great CAPS member events on the horizon.
Cost savings per strategic supply management employee
Cost savings is a powerful KPI for demonstrating the value of your supply management group.
China’s investment in and ownership of the high-tech supply chain
The Chinese government is positioning the country as the next global power through incentives, infrastructure, investment, and a move toward independence, but in so doing, is China irreparably damaging its relationship with global partners?
Managed Spend/Category Employee
When strategic employees on category management teams are managing increasing amounts of spend, it brings a more formal process and due diligence. This enables the organization to be more strategic, bottom-line friendly, and better protected from supplier risk.
Business Partner Engagement
Is your supply management group effectively engaging internal business partners? The most popular method companies are using is conducting category reviews.